Friday, 20 February 2015


what is rodent?
>Characterized by single pair of incisor teeth on each jaw and by absence of canine teeth.
>Have tail with fine scales and few hairs.

>Spread serious diseases, including salmonellosis (food poisoning), leptospirosis, rickettsialpoxand lymphocytic choriomeningitis.
>Carry fleas, ticks and other ectoparasites, potentially spread diseases, such as bubonic plague.
>Consume or contaminate about 20 percent of the world’s food supply
>Gnaw, expensive structural damage, start fires if they gnaw on electrical wires.
>Cause a great deal of anxiety for occupants (people and pets) of infested buildings.
>Pose serious risks for food facilities. Single rodent can cause fines, poor inspection scores, disgruntled employees and lost business.

types of rodents?
>Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus):
-Sometimes called brown or sewer rats
-Burrows found along building foundations, beneath rubbish or woodpiles, and in moist areas in and around gardens and fields.
-Nests may be lined with shredded paper, cloth, or other fibrous material.
-When Norway rats invade buildings, they usually remain in the basement or ground floor.
•Up to 40 cm in length, tail shorter than the head and body.
•350 –500g in weight.
•Blunt nose, small ears and a thicker body when compared to the Roof Rat.
-Life cycle
•7 –8 young per litter; 3 –6 litters a year.
•Gestation period of about 3 weeks.
•10 –12 weeks from birth to sexual maturity.
•Usually ground living and burrowing, but sometimes climbs.
•The only species to occur in sewers in Malaysia.
•Preferred food is cereals.
•Will eat around 30g of food a day and drink 60ml.
>Roof Rats (Rattusrattus)
-Sometimes called black rats.
-Slightly smaller than Norway rats.
-Tails are longer than their heads and bodies combined.
-Very agile climbers and usually live and nest above ground in shrubs, trees, and dense vegetation such as ivy.
-In buildings, most often found in enclosed or elevated spaces in attics, walls, false ceilings, and cabinets.
-Preferring ocean-influenced, warmer climates.
•16 –24 cm in length, with a tail longer than the head and body.
•150 –200g in weight.
•Pointed nose, large ears, slender body when compared to the Norway Rat .
-Life cycle
•5 –10 young per litter; 3 –6 litters a year.
•Gestation period of about 3 weeks.
•12 –16 weeks from birth to sexual maturity.
•Rare in Malaysia. Appearance confined mainly to ports.
•Often climbs, agile, rarely burrowing and rarely outdoors in Malaysia.
•Preferred food is moist fruits.
•Will eat around 15g of food a day and drink 15ml
>House mice (Musmusculus)
-Domestic house mouse
-Live and thrive under a variety of conditions in and around homes/farms.
-Contaminate food-preparation surfaces with their feces, which can contain the bacterium that causes food poisoning (salmonellosis).
-Constant gnawing causes damage to structures and property.
•7 –9.5cm in length, with a tail around the same length.
•12 –30g in weight.
•Small feet & head and large eyes & ears.
-Life cycle
•4 –16 young per litter; 7 –8 litters a year.
•Gestation period of about 3 weeks.
•8 –12 weeks from birth to sexual maturity.
•Usually ground living and burrowing, but often climbs.
•Preferred food is cereals.
•Will eat around 3g of food a day and can survive without any additional water.
•They will drink up to 3ml a day if their diet is particularly dry.

Signs of rat’s presence?
-Bite marks
-Live rat

diseases related to rodents?
-Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
-Haemorrhagic Fever
-Human Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM)
-Rat-Bite Fever
-Murine Typhus

how to conrol?
-eliminating sources of food.
-eliminating breeding and nesting place.
-rat proofing building and other structures.
-killing them.

second class we learn about cockroaches

types of cockroaches?
>american cockroach
-The largest of the cockroach pest species, the body of an adult American cockroach is 1.5 to 2 inches in length.
-Color: reddish brown, with a yellowish band behind the head.

>german cockroach
-Adults are 1/2 inch- 5/8 inch long,
-Light to medium brown with 2 dark distinctive stripes behind the head.
-The young (nymphs) are wingless, smaller and much darker in color, with a light stripe on their backs.

>oriental cockroach
-Dark brown or black species.
-Less domesticated than most species.
-Habitat include sewers, damp basement, outbuildings etc.
-Have strong, repulsive odor.
-Longest life cycle
-Tends to favor colder climates.

>disease cause by the cockroaches
-Carry Salmonella typhimurium, Entamoeba histolytica and virus for poliomyelitis.

>how to control?
-using the special spray only for cockroaches.

introduction of vector and pest control

what is vector?
> Vector shall mean any insect or arthropod, rodent, or other animal which capable causing discomfort, injury, or capable of harboring or transmitting the causative agents of disease to humans or domestic animals.Examples of vector are such as, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, fleas and ticks are vectors of disease.

what is pest?
>» Pests are living things, which can be troublesome or unwanted.Some pests also called “vectors” because they transmit diseases and cause public health concern. Examples: rodent, cockroaches, mildew, algae, plant insects. Cockroaches, house ants, termites.

welcome pest?
> Bees, flies and butterflies = carry pollen from plant to plant and help to pollinate flowers and crops.
 Ladybirds = eat caterpillars and aphides (greenflies and black flies) that kill plants.
Moth = moth caterpillars make silk used to make clothes.
Dung beetles = beetles and flies clean up animal droppings and the rotting bodies of dead animals. Honey bee = provide honey to eat and beeswax to polish furniture.

unwelcome pest?
> Mosquitoes = spread diseases (e.g. malaria, dengue fever, JE, etc).
> Bees, wasps and hornets = painful sting – dangerous to some people.
 >Termites and woodworms = damage furniture and buildings.
 >Colorado beetles = eat and ruin potato crops.
 >Locusts = gather in huge groups can eat all plants.
 >Cockroaches = infest food stores and spread germs.
 >Rodents = transmit diseases and destroy materials.

how to control?
>The term applied to activities design to identify, reduce or eliminate pest/vector populations in any given situation.
>Integrated Pest Management is a process involving common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests.
>Three basic steps: 1) inspection, 2) identification and 3) treatment.
>Treatment options vary from sealing cracks and removing food and water sources to pesticide treatments when necessary.

control method?
> Physical control - fly screens or trapping.
>Cultural control - improving ventilation, hygiene and sanitation.
>Biological control - parasites or predators to eradicate a particular pest.
>Chemical control - appropriate pesticide.